Yesterday news broke that former Pittsburgh Steeler Kordell Stewart was giving his Real Housewives of Atlanta star wife her walking papers claiming the marriage is “irretrievably broken”. This came as a surprise to Porsha who had no clue about the divorce until she saw it on a blog. Now, in my opinion Porsha is a gorgeous girl who has all of the qualities that will get her picked up by another Baller in no time. Kordell on the other hand may stand to lose more, seeing as though gay rumors still plague him. What rumors you ask?
A few years ago there was a nasty rumor that Kordell had been arrested in Pittsburgh’s Schenley Park. According to Pittsburgh residents, Schenley Park is a known meeting place for gay and transgender men. It is said that Kordell was arrested after being observed preforming a sexual act with another man in a car. I can’t say if any of this is true or not because I can’t find any supporting articles or documentation. What I do know is that the rumors have haunted him and had a huge impact on his performance in the NFL.
Divorcing his trophy wife at a moment like this, when rumors are starting to pop up again, may not be the best way to maintain his image. Especially since he was so against having kids on the show. But hey, what do I know?
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