Video has surfaced online of Bhad Bhabie, getting into a scuffle with Social Media personality-turned-recording artist, Woah Vicky on Wednesday morning.
The fight appears to have taken place in an Atlanta recording studio. From the footage, it appears that Woah Vicky had the upper-hand during the altercation, and in one clip taken from Woah’s IG story Bhad Bhabie seemed to initiate the confrontation, charging at the social media star repeatedly.
The beef between these two dates back a couple of years, and this is not their first physical confrontation.
According to Complex, in April of last year, Bhabie confronted Vicky and challenged her to a fight. Bhabie eventually threw a punch at Vicky before the two were split up by their respective teams.
The beef allegedly started over Bhad Bhabie’s bashing of Woah Vicky’s single “Ching Chong.” Bhabie deemed the song racist, which led to a recorded FaceTime war of words in October of last year.
But now, Bhad Bhabie is claiming last night’s fight wasn’t a fair one. She posted on her Instagram story, asking, “Why don’t you just pull up with no dudes… nobody holding nobody back,” as she claimed that she came out of the fight unscathed. “Dude in the grey was holding me; that’s why she was able to get on top of me,” Bhabie protested. But, Vicky has since denied Bhabie’s claims, saying the room full of men was part of her entourage.