An Australian female who changed her mind about transitioning to a man has filed a lawsuit against their psychiatrist for approving their gender reassignment after one meeting.
At 19 years old, Jay Langadinos began meeting with Dr. Patrick Toohey, a longtime psychiatrist in Sydney, Australia. Her endocrinologist referred her to Dr. Patrick to see if she would be able to receive a gender transition. According to a statement of a claim filed in the New South Wales Supreme Court, the physician explained from their perspective that Langadinos was young and needed “a throughout psychiatric work-up before embarking on hormone treatment.”
After the two met up, Dr. Patrick declared Langadinos was going through gender dysphoria and that Langadinos could begin testosterone therapy. Between 2010 and 2021, Langadinos underwent testosterone therapy, top surgery, and had her uterus removed.
Now, Langadinos – who longer identifies as male – is claiming Dr. Patrick was professionally negligent in his recommendations for her in a lawsuit against him. She says Dr. Patrick should have recommended that she get a second opinion before her hysterectomy and that her social phobia should have been considered in his recommendations to her after she expressed the condition to him.
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I, like most women who don’t want to have children, was told that I couldn’t get sterilized because I would ‘change my mind” I was 25 at the time. This is typical. I finally got ‘approved’ when I was 40, still no kids, couldn’t take the pill, didn’t want an IUD for many reasons. Was asked before surgery was I sure . .. what if I changed my mind . .. told the daft git “Isn’t it better to regret not having kids than to regret having them?” She gave me a Dan Quayle look and said, “I never thought of it that way” 67 now, no regrets. But doctors will happily mutilate aa much younger female, carving out their uterus, chopping off their breasts, and the funny thing is, never ask ‘what if you change your mind’ I hope these modern day Mengeles get sued for everything they own, and the politicians who back this insanity voted out of office. It’s a good time to be a malpractice lawyer. Because even if a person doesn’t detransition, using all of those drugs DOES cause harm, and the massive amounts of cosmetic surgery WILL have negative sequelae as well. It would be a much better use of resources to help people accept who they are and the bodies they have, instead of slicing up healthy body parts. High doses of estrogen causes cancer. High doses of testosterone causes numerous problems, including organ failure. The cure should not be worse than the disorder.
There is no “cure” for this obsession–unless it is treated as the mental illness it really is.
Grandmawmaw, you are the smartest person on the planet! It certainly is a mental illness. Doctors know it too. How many behaviors over the years that were once diagnosed as just bad or abnormal that’s now classified as mental illness or a condition of such? No way should the desire or feeling the need to change, or rather, mutilate yourself be considered normal. As long as they are causing no harm to anyone besides themselves people should, for the most part, be allowed to do what they want to themselves. But to demand anything of family, society, or the government because of YOUR choice is ludicrous. And any parent that’s not adult enough to parent their children rather than grant their every boneheaded misguided wish has no business being a parent.
Good! And I hope she wins the case. But do you know how many transgenders detransition? I heard the number is as high as 50%. My guess is most of that number haven’t gone through surgery, so it’s just a case of stopping hormones, maybe. But still, it’s insane to recommend such drastic treatment of mutilation because someone “feels” like a different gender.
This is going to continue happening because 95% of the ppl claiming to have Gender dysphoria dont and just because its the trend now they are doing things to their bodies that can never be reversed and remember my words the most in 5 years everyone going to regret this