When a woman finds out she’s sleeping with a dog and gets fleas, her first intentions are to leave. Women, more likely to have faced heartbreak than a man, will do anything necessary to keep it from happening again. For men however, once they’ve fallen in love, if she’s a hoe he’ll still stay. Why is that?
Most men are afraid to let their feelings out, in turn they’re afraid to ever tell you they’re in love. A chick that he was just physically attracted to has a better chance of becoming “The One” if she just sticks around. Let’s take Amber Rose for example. She’s a beautiful girl and men lust for her but seemingly she’s playing Wiz Khalifa for a chump. Since her nude pics, people speculated WHO they were originally intended for. Amber quickly threw the speculation to the side by saying the photos were stolen from her computer and that they were 2 and a half years old. She strategically placed the time stamp on the photos before Wiz and before Kanye. Unfortunately, she didn’t bank on the fashionistas catching her in that lie when it was discovered that neither one of the shoes Amber Rose was wearing in the photos were even 2 years old. The Louboutins themselves are only a year and a half old, therefore placing those photos were taken while she was supposed to be with Kanye. Now these are all the makings of something scandalous. If she was innocent, why lie? A female immediately would think there’s more to the story and start to question. Most men, however, will keep rocking.
The answer is simple — EGO. What man wants the world to know that not only did he put his Player Cards down but that he also wifed a ho? A man will never admit he’s wrong. Wiz hasn’t spoken up on the issue at all. Why do you think that is? He knows the truth. He knows what people have been telling him all along but he doesn’t want THIS situation to dictate whether he leaves her or not. He doesn’t want to give the world that satisfaction. If Amber plays her cards right she could probably get Wiz to put a ring on it. If Wiz plays his cards right he’ll probably break up with her over something stupid like taper not being 100% on point and claim her being slutty had nothing to do with it. Men are all about saving face. Not to say this is true for all, but definitely the case for a lot of them. This is why the trophies and the hoes get wifed up so often — they just happened to stick around long enough. He can’t turn back now…
Now good girls, don’t fret, we’re not exactly the losers in this situation. If he was looking for a hoe in the first place, chances are he wasn’t the guy you needed anyway. We do have to learn to play our own hand though. Learn that you can be arm candy and a great girl without having to compromise your morals and respect. Learn that if you’re there from the beginning, regardless of what his mouth says, his heart knows you still got him. Also learn how to appeal to a man’s better nature. Knowing your Food, Sports and Sneakers are almost always the easiest way to make a man fall for you.
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