Throughout the course of the Pandemic, there’s been a lot of misinformation spread about the coronavirus. Truthfully, there’s a lot experts still don’t know. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
So if you’ve been wondering, “Can the coronavirus spread through the air?” The World Health Organization says, yes, it could happen. The keyword here, though—could.
Thanks to recent outbreaks in crowded indoor settings, like restaurants, nightclubs, etc., the WHO recently acknowledged the possibility that the virus may be transmittable through the air under certain conditions. Experts say the lack of ventilation in indoor settings specifically, likely contributed to the recent increase in cases, and “might have allowed the virus to linger in the air longer than normal,” AP reports.
According to a report published in May, researchers discovered that talking produces respiratory droplets that can remain in the air anywhere from about eight to 14 minutes. This could, of course, mean trouble in a closed environment where social distancing measures are not strictly enforced. The WHO also says those most at risk to airborne spread, are doctors and nurses performing specialized procedures like inserting a breathing tube or ventilator. Medical authorities have recommended the use of protective masks and other equipment during those procedures.
Since most of the U.S. has now gone back to either stage 1 or stage 2 of the reopening phases, scientists say there’s much less of a risk of transmission outside because the virus droplets disperse in the fresh air, thus reducing the chances of it spreading.