The confident woman lets her light shine through. She holds her head high and takes life by the balls, as she should. Yet there happens to be a few instances where a woman can feel powerless, or at least that’s what she’s conjured up in her mind to believe at that moment. The one situation she feels could potentially ruin her reputation or tarnish everything she has worked so hard for.
None of [us] ever expect to be caught dead in the same room as our guy and another random that we’ve smashed or even worse, we never imagine what we’d do if we were in the same place as all the guys we’ve had sexual encounters with, especially if they are friends. However, it’s bound to happen, being that the world is getting smaller and smaller each day. This may not be for the self proclaimed saint who hasn’t had more than one partner but has a shit load of opinions. This is for the woman out there who takes pride in her sexuality, takes sole responsibility for her actions and who’s currently pondering on if she can delete her hoeness mid-way through this year. This is for you beloved!
You have to be aware that all men talk. They share news, nudes and OPP (Other Peoples P***y), that’s just the way things work. So if you are looking to date a guy, get serious and have something more than just casual sex, then honesty shall always be the best policy. Don’t for once think that your naked truth wont be shared with all of the guys in the crew.
My advice is to stay as far away from that clique as possible, it’s a fire waiting to start. I don’t need to go into all of the cons about being a “Homie Smasher” because I’m sure if you’ve been smashing guys that are in the same crew, past and or presently, then you’ve contemplated the consequences, right? Good. Unfortunately, there isn’t a handbook on what to do when the smasher is in the same room as the smashee but here is when your common sense should come into play. If you ever happen to be in this very awkward and uncompromising position then you mustn’t hide your face in shame or embarrassment, be a woman and own it! You have the power to conquer any and every situation that life places at your feet. Don’t allow the situation to swallow you alive, leaving your head hung low and you sinking down into your seat.
No one can slut shame a woman who is confident and poised whether or not she is in a challenging situation. People are going to talk anyway so give them something to talk about. Make them feel uncomfortable in your presence before they can attack you with snide remarks or humiliating jokes. And the way to do that is to be you. Be a lady, be pleasant and greet them all or none of them, it’s your choice. Be welcoming and unbothered at the same time. By the end of the night they all will be scratching their chins wondering why in the hell you were so cool. Men are great at playing it cool when the shoe is on the other foot and they’ve smashed a group of girlfriends. We possess that exact gift. See, men have a way of believing that a woman should be ashamed for having sex and with multiple partners. There isn’t any justification to sleeping with men that are in the same circle but hell, shit happens so handle it well.
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