Before you get started, this has nothing to do with Nene Leakes. Now continue…
Megalomania is an unrealistic belief in one’s superiority, grandiose abilities, and even omnipotence. It is characterized by a need for total power and control over others, and is marked by a lack of empathy for anything that is perceived as not feeding the self.
In other words people who suffer from this think they are just so grand that everyone is hating on them. Ever met someone that says “she be hating on me” or “shout out to all my haters” and you think to yourself, “what exactly do you have to hate on?” The ones who think everyone wants to be them or be around them and quite frankly it couldn’t be further from the truth. The type that over hype who they are and what they do, when you know they’re not nearly as big of a deal as they think they are. The epidemic has gotten worse, thanks to the internet.
You see, the internet has given bums and outlet to become faux famous. It has given people an outlet to think their life/opinion matters and they base this idea on “likes” “retweets” and “follower count”. Unfortunately, real importance transcends the internet and reality shows. Do people think of you when they turn their TV off?
Megalomania is a disease. Researching this I found that Megalomania is associated with bipolar disorder; a depressive illness that is characterized by mood swings from extreme lows to extreme highs. To sum it up, Basketball Wives and Twitter.
This is becoming an epidemic…what is the cure for this? Name some people that suffer from this awful disease.
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